Friday, December 5, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place if

PTSA, The world would be a better place with...

My inspiration for this piece comes from a strong love for equality and feminism. Even in modern day, the world still manages to discriminate and mistreat those that are not exactly like themselves. The human race has a habit of mistreating those that arent cisgendered, or straight, or white. I have experienced this, be it towards myself, or someone else. It is all too present in today's society, and it would be a dream come true for the minorities to get equal treatment, no matter what. The woman in my illustration is Laverne Cox, who is an actress,  producer, and LGBT advocate. As a trans* woman someone who has experienced discrimination, she is an inspiring spokesperson of what I am trying to portray.

I created this piece on Adobe Illustrator, using primarily the paintbrush tool. While many prefer the pen tool, I find the paintbrush tool much easier to work with in terms of brush flow and thickness. It is easier for me to manage and I am able to reach my desired result much quicker. To create the quote bubbles, I used the oval/circle shape tool, and morphed it using the pen tool. The pink outline, along with the male and female gender symbols, were done using the paintbrush tool.

The tutorial inspiration where I acquired the ability to create a second outline for an image or drawing can be found here.

Discrimination, Breanna B. ©2014